Duodecim STAR® Pro

For your client’s health!

What kind of a service package is Duodecim STAR®?

Duodecim STAR® and Duodecim STAR® Pro form a digital service package for healthcare organizations offered by Duodecim. The package includes a health checkup and an individual health report based on it, coaching programmes, and tools for the service provider to manage the package and to further develop its operation. Duodecim STAR® is a CE-marked medical device.

Duodecim STAR®

The service for clients of health centres and occupational health services is called Duodecim STAR.

The digital health checkup provides users with a comprehensive assessment of their health and wellbeing.

The report assesses the predicted lifetime and the most common disease risks, and provides a summary of habits affecting health and means of influencing such habits. Coaching programmes are provided to support lifestyle modification.

Duodecim STAR® Pro

Duodecim STAR Pro provides healthcare professionals with the STAR tools.

The package provides organizations with, for example, tools for monitoring the results of health checkups on both individual and population level.

The service facilitates more effective planning of daily work, organization-wide monitoring and more accurate planning and targeting of population-level measures.

For whom is Duodecim STAR® Pro intended?

  • For nurses and doctors working in healthcare
  • For occupational nurses and doctors
  • For people with organizational responsibility, who are responsible for further development of operations and who monitor the effectiveness of any developmental measures

STAR Pro helps you in your daily work

Duodecim STAR® Pro is designed to help nurses and doctors in their daily work. In addition, it provides you with tools for developing the operations of your organization further and for promoting health on population level.


A view of health checkups done by a patient and extensive reports of results help you to get an overall picture of any patient’s situation – you can now study the results before in-person or virtual appointments.


Patients you see in person or virtually will be more motivated because the report from the health checkup will already have stimulated them to consider their health. With patients taking some responsibility for improving their health, treatment becomes more evenly distributed between patients and healthcare professionals.


STAR helps to move from symptom-oriented to more holistic treatment. This improves the results of treatment and quality of life of motivated patients.


The digital service and population-level follow-up reports help to target resources and measures more accurately to populations at risk or to the treatment of chronic diseases, for example.

Comprehensive view of your patients’ health checkups

The collective view shows data on health checkups and their results sent by patients to the professional. To facilitate prioritization of patients, the primary sections of the health checkup are given a traffic light rating for each patient. To help the professional’s work, health checkups can be classified by factors such as risk or date, and marked as checked. Professionals can view all summarized and detailed reports before seeing the patient in person or virtually and also during the appointment – the reports are shown identically on the doctor’s and patient’s displays.

Summarized and detailed reports of patient’s replies

The report includes:
  • – Questions asked in the health checkup, and the patient’s replies
  • – Risk of diseases as assessed by STAR
  • – Predicted lifetime in current and optimal situations, and an estimate of healthy years of life
  • – Verbal feedback for the replies by subject area

Follow-up of results on population level

The follow-up view shows a summary of all checkups performed in the organization.  The view facilitates more detailed monitoring of the respondents’ risk factors on population level.

The view facilitates monitoring any measures already taken in the organization and provides basic data for planning population-level measures.

STAR Pro to support further development of operations

Use statistics provide the opportunity for following up figures related to the use of the STAR service. In the statistics you can see the number of logins to the service and the number of health checkups performed, for example. 

Based on statistics, developments in the use of the service and developmental trends can be monitored in the organization, and measures related to the use of the service can be planned.


Clients’ impressions of Duodecim STAR®

"Easy to use. Didn’t need to think about it. Nutrition was well explained. The language is very plain. Scales are sometimes difficult to understand but there was a suitable number of scales here."

Star user, Central Finland

"Yes, it is motivating; the number of healthy years of life stuck in my mind. It certainly made me think."

Star user, Uusimaa

"STAR has been a good discussion opener."

Nurse, Uusimaa

"We have obtained excellent results with significant weight loss and reduction of medication in people with diabetes, for example, achieving significantly improved glycaemic control."

Chief Physician, Central Finland

Kiinnostuitko STAR Prosta? Kysy meiltä tarkemmin

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